Mike Lindell Announces Election Crime Bureau (Warroom)
Mike Lindell is a true patriot and hero for the average American who is proud of their country, history and culture. Mike’s products from his business myPillow.com has been systemically cancelled and removed from Costco, Walmart, Target and other radical-left captured retail stores. His business has lost over 50 million dollars.
Mike’s sin is that he caught and exposed the massive 2020 election fraud. He brought a number of legal cases to fix the fraud but powerful forces in the deep state, legacy media and globalists were able to largely dismiss his cases and silence him.
He continues to fight back for “we the people”. He advocates for elimination of electronic voting machines and conducting elections the old fashion way. This is a part of his fight to eliminate fraud from the national election system. God speed Mike!
For more information visit electioncrimebureau.com