Investigation Launched as Video Emerges Showing ‘Ballot Shredding’ on Election Night (Slay)

Frank BergmanFebruary 23, 2023 – 7:52 pm

Officials in Montana have launched an investigation after a security video emerged that appears to show an administrator shredding ballots on Election Night last year.

The surveillance footage shows Carbon County Elections Administrator Crystal Roascio in the process of shredding documents on the night of the 2022 midterm election.

A complaint about the video was originally filed by Carbon County poll watcher Chip Bennett and his wife, Lisa Bennett.

However, the case is now in the hands of the Montana Division of Criminal Investigation, according to KTVQ.

The Bennetts insist that the shredded documents were ballots.

“We see our election administrator shredding what appears to us to be absentee ballots,” Lisa Bennett said.

She notes that a privacy screen partially obscures what was taking place.

Despite the partial view in the video, Lisa Bennett is adamant that it still shows 21 batches of documents being run through a paper shredder.

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