Climate change hoax continues

By John Takeuchi

Our U.S. and California governments continue to peddle tales of disaster from global warming.

The premise is that human activity is adding CO2 to the atmosphere and the increased CO2 is causing air temperature to rise. There is absolutely no proof of this cause and effect. In fact, recent studies demonstrate that CO2 levels increase after temperatures rise. Proponents have it backwards.

Several years ago, investigators discovered that the Climatic Research Unit in England had been manipulating temperature data to support claims of global warming. Did any of this stop promoters or the media? Nope. After some finger-wagging, the scandal was swept under the rug and the fraud rolled on.

Global temperatures stopped increasing about 15 years ago. There will be spikes – up and down – but the longer-range temperature trend is downward.

Cheerleaders of global warming saw their scam coming apart; so a couple of years ago they began calling it climate change. New name, same game.

Some huge government programs are based on this fake crisis.

Cap and trade here in California – a scheme to raise tax revenue by penalizing companies who generate more than certain amounts of carbon dioxide – will cost those companies and their customers billions of dollars every year.

Plan Bay Area – favored by radical environmentalists – mandates clustering housing around transportation hubs and turning some urban areas back into open space. Proponents say such communities will lower costs of public services and commuting. Any bets?

Gov. Jerry Brown’s high-speed rail program might eventually cost $100 billion and will only get people from Madera to Palmdale. It will not, as advertised, save time or energy. Travel from the Bay Area to Los Angeles – riding a bus from Oakland to Madera; enduring Transportation Security Administration screening; riding the train (which won’t go 200 mph) to Palmdale; then another bus to LA – will take as long as driving your car. And the train will cost more.

With such negative impacts, why is global warming still promoted?

Remember the old adage: Follow the money. There are people who make billions from laws they bribe officials to create. Putting ethanol in gasoline is a good example. We know that the blend is not as efficient as plain gasoline – fewer miles per gallon more than wipes out the pennies per gallon savings – and it can damage automobile components at higher concentrations. It has also driven up the cost of foods that use the corn being turned into ethanol.

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