Democrats Lead by Witch of Commilonia Defeated All of the Evil Republicans?
The fake news media was pushing the propaganda that America loves the crazy Democrats, but it was fact checked. Fact Check: FALSE
Don't take the legacy news seriously, it's mostly fake news
Our fact checkers, unlike the god fearing, country loving, poor caring, kind to children and respectful to the old bunch of uneducated morons, are evil worshiping, satin breading, thugs that the universe has ever seen the likes of before.
We make milk appear black. We make Bill Gates drink his own urine and we make good in to bad, bad in to good through our scientifically proven methods of deception. You must always trust our fact checks because we will never allow your truth to get in the way of our facts.
If a lie is too weak, we infuse it with the potion of junk science until a line is formed in demand for it.
The fake news media was pushing the propaganda that America loves the crazy Democrats, but it was fact checked. Fact Check: FALSE