Compulsory Mourning for Late Invalid Pres. Biden

The woke mob in control of the invalid President Joe Biden have come to love the hairy legs so dearly that they are mortified at the thought of one him one day passing away.

In a gathering of their like minded and Social Justice practitioners, Mr. Lady Secretary of Health flouted the idea of compulsory morning when inevitable happens.

To top that off, the Secretary of Transportation Peet Buda-judge added that YouTube and TikToc must require that every user must record a crying fit and upload it online, otherwise their accounts should be locked down for at least 90 days.

In support of the initiatives, the Tweeter CEO Jack Dorkie tweeted that he will install a second ring on the right nostril to immortalize the life of new-malarkey Joe.

On the western side of the nation, Gov. Newsom is planning to announce an exemption from social distancing and mask wearing.

“Our communities of minorities, our communities of color, and communities of lust-thirst will be devastated and to show them compassion, we allow them to express their freedom of expression to the fullest extent” said the Gov. of failed state of California.

Crying Chuck Schumer, a Progressive charlatan was filmed weeping and wiping his eyes when asked by an activist posing as a journalist on how he could coupe with the loss of such a national treasure. Up on the completion of the fake journalist’s question, crying Chucky burst into a crying fit, threw himself on the ground, rolled over a few times and started to throw his legs around like an undisciplined child in a radical leftist home during the pandemic.

AOC promotes North Korea style national grievance parties complete with pizza and beers.

For additional fake news please visit The New York Times website, or tune in to CNN.

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